IDF soldiers reveal Hamas plan to take over France's Eiffel Tower

President Isaac Herzog expressed concern for the mental health of returning soldiers asking them to talk about their traumas, worries, and concerns.

By YUVAL BARNEAFEBRUARY 1, 2024 01:38Updated: FEBRUARY 1, 2024 15:24

 President Isaac Herzog receiving a poster found in Shejaia showing the Eiffel Tower as a mosque, January 31, 2024. (photo credit: GPO)


Hamas = The Muslim brotherhood


President Isaac Herzog receiving a poster found in Shejaia showing the Eiffel Tower as a mosque, January 31, 2024.(photo credit: GPO)

During a meeting on Wednesday with reservists from the Yiftah Brigade, President Isaac Herzog was presented with a picture found in Gaza showing the Eiffel Tower with a minaret replacing the top of the tower.

Herzog and his wife Michal met with the reservists who were returning from fighting in Gaza as part of the process of preparation for returning to routine civilian life.

The brigade has been primarily operating in the Issa neighborhood in western Gaza and the Shejaia refugee camp. They have been targeting underground tunnels and other terror infrastructure in those neighborhoods.

The fighters expressed their feelings to the president about returning home as well as the concerns of their families.

One of the reservists presented Herzog with a poster that he found inside a residence in Shejaia showing the Eiffel Tower with the spire of a minaret and, at the end, below it, a description explaining how Hamas will reach every home and every house. He also gave him another war document, which presents the broad intentions of Hamas.




 A poster found in Shejaia by the Yiftach Brigade showing the Eiffel Tower as a mosque. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)Enlrage image


Hamas = Det muslimske brorskap

IDF-soldater avslører at Hamas planlegger å overta Frankrikes Eiffeltårnets president Isaac Herzog uttrykte bekymring for den mentale helsen til hjemvendte soldater og ba dem snakke om traumer, bekymringer og bekymringer. Av YUVAL BARNEA 1. FEBRUAR 2024 01:38 Oppdatert: 1. FEBRUAR 2024 15:24 President Isaac Herzog mottar en plakat funnet i Shejaia som viser Eiffeltårnet som en moske, 31. januar 2024. (bildemøte: GPO) onsdag med reservister fra Yiftah-brigaden, ble president Isaac Herzog presentert for et bilde funnet i Gaza som viser Eiffeltårnet med en minaret som erstatter toppen av tårnet. Herzog og hans kone Michal møtte reservistene som var på vei tilbake fra kamper i Gaza som en del av forberedelsesprosessen for å vende tilbake til det rutinemessige sivile livet. Brigaden har primært operert i Issa-området vest i Gaza og flyktningleiren Shejaia. De har vært rettet mot underjordiske tunneler og annen terrorinfrastruktur i disse nabolagene.